Want to help someone but not sure how?
Alpha House offers a free Engaging Vulnerable Persons Workshop that provides:
- Information about factors that lead to homelessness & addiction
- Discussion on the stigma associated with homelessness & addiction
- Information on recognizing how & when to navigate interactions with our unhoused neighbours
- Learnings about free resources available to community & when to utilize them
Attend a free session here. If you would like to book an EVP specifically for your group, please email us at [email protected]
Did you know Alpha House has a transit team?
It consists of mobile response teams (one Alpha House worker with one Transit Peace Officer) who respond to calls from transit riders, the transit help phone, and city calls to support those on the trains or platforms needing support related to homelessness
We work with street-involved individuals towards needed services: shelter, basic needs supplies, housing etc. and we advocate for Alpha House clients, share about services, and support greater understanding of homelessness in the community.
The Transit team isn’t a silver bullet but it is a resource to help keep everyone on transit safer
Give Hope Through Housing Campaign
What does home mean to you?
Home is a place of comfort, safety, and stability. It is much more than a shelter; it is a sanctuary. For our clients, home is a place where they can work on other aspects of their lives to create a healthier future. It changes lives.
“Housing helps people live healthier lives. Their home is a safe place to be and they no longer face the challenges of living on the streets.”
– Michelle, Alpha House employee
Donate a housewarming kit or support with monetary funds to help us house more people