News & Events

Resolve YYC

Shaundra Bruvall | November 10, 2015

The RESOLVE Campaign will help Alpha House raise funds for affordable housing for vulnerable females. You can be a part of this initiative that will change the face of Calgary’s street. We plan to build a new apartment building for up to 30 women who have experienced addiction and long-term or frequent homelessness. Learn more here.

National Addictions Awareness Week 2015

Shaundra Bruvall | November 9, 2015

We’re marking National Addictions Awareness Week (November 16-22) with our annual open house and retrospective of 10 years of the DOAP Team. It is important to talk and normalize addictions since it affects individuals, families and communities. Learn more about NAAWCanada‬ and check out their tool kit. The hashtag for National Addictions Awareness Week is #NAAWCanada in English and #SNSTCanada in French.​​

New Calgary addiction program to bridge psychology and substance abuse

Shaundra Bruvall | October 1, 2015

She’s been battling her addiction to narcotics for the last three years but isn’t ready to seek treatment, fearing she’ll lose her kids.

A.M. — who requested to have her name withheld — is among many women in Calgary who are addicted to prescription drugs, but are too afraid to seek help and too busy for three-month group therapy sessions, according to Melissa Molloy, who’s with program development at the Recovery Acres Society’s 1835 house.

As a result, the clinic plans to roll out the Women’s Co-occuring Disorder Outpatient Program to treat women who suffer from mental illness and substance abuse.

The program will be the first of its kind in the city, where both psychology and substance abuse specialists will be readily available to patients, said Dr. John Streukens, who helped the society develop its two-week intensive treatment program.

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