News & Events

DOAP Encampment Team

Shaundra Bruvall | August 24, 2016

Our Encampment team works within Calgary to connect with those roughlseeping to try to get them into housing. There was a recent article in the Calgary Herald who spend time with the CPS Marine Unit who referred to work of the Encampment Team. If you come across a camp site or know of someone sleeping outside then please contact Encampment 403-805-7388.


Scotia Bank and University Medical School Donation

Shaundra Bruvall | April 29, 2016


Another big thank you! The University of Calgary Medical School donated funds raised from their Med Show and Scotia Bank matched the donation. We are so thankful for your support!

Pictured: Abdel Ali (Scotia Bank North Hill Mall location), Finola Dksouza (medical school student), Kathy Christiansen (Alpha House) and Ismael Capeda (Scotia Bank, North Hill Mall location).

Alpha House received $250k from the CHBA – UDI Calgary Region Association

Shaundra Bruvall | April 20, 2016

We are excited to announce that Alpha House received $250k from the CHBA – UDI Calgary Region Association towards our women’s building. This is a building we want to develop for vulnerable females experiencing homelessness. We are working towards this lofty goal through the the Resolve campaign.  We were presented this cheque at the SAM awards this past Saturday evening. Thank you CHBA!


Encampment Team

Shaundra Bruvall | April 13, 2016


With the warm weather already here please keep a look out for possible encampments where people are sleeping outside. Our Encampment Team 403-805-7388 is always looking to connect with rough sleepers to talk to them about housing and provide other resources. The team operates Monday-Friday 8am-4pm.

Looking for donations of shoes

Shaundra Bruvall | February 1, 2016


In our clothing room we are in need of gently used or new shoes at the moment. With the constantly changing weather it is important individuals have warm and dry shoes. Please drop off donations any time at our client entry door at 203 15 Ave SE. Thank you!

National Chief of the Congress of Aboriginal Peoples Visits Alpha House

Shaundra Bruvall | January 13, 2016


We were thrilled to have Dwight Dorey, National Chief of the Congress of Aboriginal Peoples come to Alpha House and speak to some of our detox and housing clients. The conversation ranged from life on reserves, to Urban Aboriginals and the issues they face experiencing homelessness. One client shared the concern around the increase in Crystal Meth use among the younger Urban Aboriginals. Congress of Aboriginal Peoples advocate for the interests of Aboriginal Peoples living off-reserve since 1971 for Status and Non-Status, Metis and Southern Inuit of Labrador. Check out the Calgary Herald article to learn about his talk he gave while in Calgary.

Alpha House Housing Christmas Party

Shaundra Bruvall | December 17, 2015

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We had our 6th Annual Alpha House Housing Christmas Party this week for all our housing clients. It was great to have over 150 people attend the Turkey dinner and see the community that has been created. Thank you to those who helped with gifts for all the guests.

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