News & Events

World Social Justice Day 2025

Shaundra Bruvall | February 20, 2025

Talking Social Inequalities around Addiction

The observance of World Social Justice Day offers us a chance to reflect on the institutional inequalities that prevent people from accessing basic needs like food, water and housing, and to look back on the hard work of previous generations of activists that got us where we are today. For Alpha House, working with individuals experiencing active addiction, we see firsthand some of the barriers and inequities that they face. We also see the pushback attached to efforts to challenge these inequities. Public sympathy for addiction is low and drug policy often lags behind the needs of the population we serve. Globally, we are facing unprecedented challenges related to social inequalities and overall economic wellbeing particularly for already stigmatized and underserved populations. Today we’re focusing on the history and current situation around harm reduction and how it has worked to bring those struggling with addiction towards improved wellbeing.

Harm Reduction formed as a result of grassroots advocacy among communities of people who have used drugs or know someone who is/has experienced challenges with substance use, and is a movement that has been foundational to Alpha House’s work in the community.

Harm Reduction found its roots in the latter half of the 1900s. The modern harm reduction movement started in the 1980s as a response to the HIV-AIDS crisis, most often attributed to the needle exchange programs put in place to mitigate the spread of disease during that time. These needle exchange programs weren’t always government supported, rather, the public took it upon themselves to create safe injection sites to tackle the situation while the government lagged behind in policy. Despite the lack of support from policymakers and law enforcement, needle exchange programs demonstrated the benefits it would bring to the public’s health, and were the stepping stones for many amazing programs we have today.

Alpha House also found its footing in the 1980s, with our shelter and detox services opening in 1982 as a pivotal innovation for street-involved individuals publicly experiencing addictions to alcohol or other drugs. Our agency began as, and continues to be, a safe and caring environment for individuals experiencing homelessness and active addiction, offering the community an alternative to criminal justice and law enforcement practices like holding cells.

Harm Reduction Practices

North America’s first legal supervised consumption site, Insite, opened in Downtown’s Vancouver’s Eastside in 2003 in response to drug prevalence increasing across the country and, following the success of Insite, Supervised Consumption Sites (SCS) began opening in cities like Calgary, Toronto, and Edmonton across Canada. Supervised consumption sites not only prevent overdoses, but act as a point of connection for caseworkers to connect with clients on key points like housing, healthcare, and addiction treatment services.

In 2005, 2 years after Insite opened in Downtown Vancouver, Alpha House launched our pilot program, the DOAP (Downtown Outreach Addiction Partnership) Team (now known as the HELP Team), a 24/7 outreach program dedicated to assisting the unhoused population in Calgary who are in active addiction. Working closely with Emergency Medical Services and the Calgary Police Service to reduce unnecessary and inappropriate uses of emergency systems, and to connect individuals with the programs and services that they need to improve their well-being. A Social Return on Investment (SROI) study was conducted in 2013 and found that for every dollar invested into this program, there is a social return of $9.43.

Around this time, harm reduction supply also became more widespread in an attempt to reduce disease related to substance use. Easier access to supplies like sterile needles, bubbles, and stems reduce the risk of overdose, infections, and bloodborne disease for individuals who would have already engaged in substance use with supplies that would have already been used or unsanitary due to other reasons.

Despite the improvements seen since the inception of safe consumption sites, they still remain highly contested and debated to this day. Alberta and Ontario are among the provinces that report the highest number of opioid-related deaths, highlighting the need for advocacy and policy change in this space.

Safe Supply and Decriminalization

As the drug crisis continued to spiral in North America, another harm reduction strategy entered the conversation. Safe supply programs were introduced to provide regulated alternatives to street drugs, thereby reducing overdose deaths in the community. Safe supply programs generally operated through clinics, pharmacies, and community health organizations and offered prescription drugs like hydromorphone to those at a high risk of overdose. Providing a safer alternative to unregulated street drugs, safe supply programs have shown, through research, that individuals that make use of these programs experience fewer hospitalizations, reduced involvement in the criminal justice system, and an overall improvement in their wellbeing.

The distribution of naloxone kits also started to pick up steam— a life saving medication that reverses opioid overdoses, which has now become readily available through pharmacies, outreach programs, and emergency services. Being able to hand out naloxone proactively to those who might experience or witness an overdose was a major milestone in the sector.

Decades of advocacy against the criminalization of drugs takes us to 2023, where British Columbia launched a three-year pilot program that temporarily decriminalizes small amounts of select illicit drugs in an attempt to shift the focus from punishment to support, a milestone that many advocates in the sector have fought for[1].

Where We Are Today

Despite the progress we’ve seen in harm reduction advocacy over the last half-century, there are still challenges to overcome. Fentanyl entered Canada’s illicit drug market in the early 2010s, a synthetic opioid, promising effects up to 100 times that of other opioids like morphine or heroin[2]. Based on numbers from January 2024 – June 2024, most accidental apparent opioid toxicity deaths involved fentanyl at 79%, with 21 deaths per day on average[3]. Some of the factors that play into the current drug crisis in Canada:

  • Due to its high potency, even small amounts of this drug can prove fatal; illicit drug dealers have taken to mixing in Fentanyl into other substances like heroin to “increase the effects”, thereby contaminating the drug supply and causing many fatalities as a result.
  • Extended use of opioids, like fentanyl, can lead to an individual developing tolerance, meaning a higher and/or more frequent dose is required to feel the same effects. Stopping the use of opioids results in the individual’s tolerance for the drug to drop rapidly, meaning that taking a similar dosage to what was previously used can prove to be fatal.
  • Stigma towards substance use disorders only exacerbates the problem, discouraging substance users from seeking help and being open about their ongoing addiction challenges.

From the late 2000’s to now, Alpha House has focused on strengthening our housing and outreach programs to recognize some of the main gaps in reducing homelessness, helping individuals manage and overcome addiction, and increasing social equity for historically underserved or highly stigmatized populations. We’ve:

  • Opened 7 Supportive Housing buildings, operating 161 housing units for individuals exiting homelessness and looking to find long-term stability
  • Piloted a Scattered-Site housing program which now manages 180 market rental units for low acuity individuals
  • Launched a Needle Response team that works to clean up needle debris around the city, supporting safe and clean communities while reducing stigma around public substance use
  • Expanded the Encampment program to provide rapid response to unhoused individuals who lack emergency shelter access

All of our programs and services strive to work within harm reduction practices and, subsequently, housing first, building off of all of the hard work and advocacy done in the past to bring these ideas to the forefront of the sector. According to the National Harm Reduction Coalition, harm reduction is a flexible practice where interventions and policies are designed to match individual and community needs, meaning that there is no universal definition for harm reduction, however, there are core tenants that guide any harm reduction practices:

  • Patient Centered Care
  • Judgment Free Care
  • Sharing the Voices of Those with Lived Experience
  • Advocacy

These core tenants are inherently linked with advocacy and support for equity deserving groups, providing compassionate supports for individuals who need it and advocating for systematic change for current and future generations. Instead of punishing those struggling with substance use, harm reduction seeks to support them in improving their wellbeing while respecting their rights as an individual to make their own choices. In an ideal world, following the tenants of harm reduction, individuals would not be denied supports like housing, financial help, and healthcare due to their substance use or housing status.

For homeless serving agencies, like Alpha House, harm reduction is a philosophy that shapes how our services are delivered. At our core, we look to create opportunities for our clients to engage with healthcare and mental health supports with the end goal of stable housing. Harm reduction can continue to evolve to meet the everchanging needs of modern-day society, but we as a population, policymakers, and law enforcement have to be willing to adapt in a way where we can fill these gaps in the system and support our most vulnerable. Further work is needed to address the contaminated drug supply, lack of housing, and the lack of access to appropriate services and supports for individuals in active addiction before we can see this crisis managed.





National Housing Day

Shaundra Bruvall | November 22, 2024

All Hands on Deck – Let’s Make Housing for All a Reality

National Housing Day is a day for raising awareness, advocating for impactful housing solutions, and taking actionable steps toward a future where every individual has access to safe and stable housing. National Housing Day was declared a ‘national day’ in the year 2000 after homelessness was recognized as a national disaster two years prior. The Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, CMHC, says “an all hands-on deck approach isn’t just an option— it’s essential for tackling the housing and homelessness crisis”. This sentiment rings true for all non-profits and affordable housing providers particularly in recent years; the government, financial organizations, developers, and communities all need to buy in and work together if we’re going to be serious about providing housing for all.

A secondary, but incredibly important, part of National Housing Day is recognizing the thousands of individuals who have been successfully housed in supportive housing programs across the city, province, and country – not just with Alpha House’s programs but with dozens of other homeless-serving agencies. It’s a tough transition to go from homelessness to housing when you may have been chronically homeless for the past 5 or 10 years. It demands a lot of work and often requires tough changes in approaches to everyday life, so it matters to us to celebrate the individuals who have pushed through so much hardship to be where they are today.

So, let’s talk housing, Calgary. In today’s blog post, we are going to be taking a look at key issues impacting the housing crisis in Calgary.


City of Calgary – Housing Needs Assessment 2023

The Housing Needs Assessment is a Research Report, published by the City of Calgary, with a goal of giving us a better understanding of the need for affordable housing in Calgary. A household is classified as “in need of affordable housing” when it earns less than 65% of Calgary’s median and spends at least 30% of their income on housing costs. The key findings from this report highlight a number of alarming statistics:

  • The annual income required to adequately afford market rent in 2023 is $84,000, a significant increase from the $67,000 figure for 2022
  • The median cost of buying a detached home has increased by 37% over the last 3 years (2020-2023)
  • The average rent between 2020 and 2023 has increased by around 40%
  • 1 in 5 households cannot afford their housing

These are obviously concerning stats so… why is it so bad?

There are many issues and compounding factors that play into the housing crisis in Calgary. Becoming educated on some of the issues and challenges with today’s housing market is among the first steps to understanding what we need to be fighting for— we can’t fight for affordable housing for all if we don’t know what’s preventing this future utopia. Some key pieces of information to start:

  • Rent Caps: In Alberta, the average rent between 2020 and 2023 has increased by around 40%. In contrast, New Brunswick very recently passed a rent cap bill, effective Feb 2025, which limits rent increases to 3% per year. If this same bill or a similar rent cap bill had been in place in Alberta during that same time period, our 40% figure would be 9%, leaving Albertans with much more flexibility in their finances and with a much smaller percentage of income directed towards housing costs.
  • Financialized Landlords (i.e. corporate entities that manage rental properties primarily for profit): There are currently no barriers to corporate entities owning rental properties for-profit including properties earmarked for ‘affordable housing’ indexation Conversely, non-profit, co-op, land trust organizations, and tenants who purchase and own at-risk buildings when they come on the market would provide more protections to ensure affordable housing is true in practice not just in name. The negative impact of financialized landlords can be seen in Martine August’s research, which shows these groups purchased 90% of all rental stock that came up for sale in the Toronto Market in 2020.
  • Fixed-Term Leases: Fixed term leases allow financialized landlords to raise the rent at their discretion (with no rent caps in place) at the end of each term. Month-to-month or shorter-term leases give renters the power to choose where they want to stay, and are able to leave more quickly if their circumstances change abruptly or if they aren’t satisfied with their living arrangements. When you give renters the power to dictate the parameters of their living situations, this encourages landlords to be more engaged with the state of their properties
  • Calgary’s Living Wage is Nearly $10 More Than Minimum Wage: A recent report on the cost of living in Calgary has calculated that a living wage in the city is $24.45 an hour, with the minimum wage remaining unchanged at $15 an hour. A common misconception is that only youth living with their parents are making this wage but, in actuality, about 57.2% of minimum wage workers in Alberta last year were 25 years old or older. This disparity along with the rising costs of basic needs make attaining stable housing incredibly difficult or, in some cases, flat out impossible for many Calgarians.
  • People Turn to the Homeless-Serving Sector When Other Systems Fail: Other systems are in place to assist individuals in difficult situations but, when those fall through, and individuals lose stable housing, the homeless-serving sector is the place they can turn to. Examples of system failures can include difficult transitions from child welfare, inadequate discharge planning from hospitals, corrections, and mental health and addictions facilities, a lack of support for new immigrants and refugees, and individuals fleeing domestic violence where a homeless shelter becomes the only option. The homeless-serving sector is not equipped to continue to see significant increases in number of clients leading to worse outcomes for everyone.


And what the heck can we do about it?

  • Advocate: Write your local representatives, attend city council meetings, and keep an eye out for campaigns you can be a part of that push for more affordable housing
  • Spread Awareness: Educate yourself on the challenges and issues in the housing sector, and share your knowledge with others
  • Donate: Donate to agencies that provide affordable housing. Monetary donations and in-kind donations of furniture, appliances, etc. that people can make use of when entering a new home are very helpful for individuals transitioning from homelessness to stable housing
  • Attend Events: Participate in local events, workshops, rallies, or discussions that are centered around housing policy
  • Volunteer: Volunteer with local affordable housing providers; keep an eye out for volunteer positions on their board of directors or fundraisers supporting this cause
  • Become a Landlord Partner with Alpha House: Learn more about our landlord partnership program for individuals exiting homelessness below


Alpha House & Landlord Partnerships 

Alpha House’s Community Housing Program works closely with landlords to provide housing for individuals exiting homelessness circumstances. Units are in market rentals around the city and clients are supported by our caseworkers to improve housing stability and communication between tenant and landlord. We are currently looking for landlords to partner with to provide housing for more vulnerable Calgarians.

If you are a landlord or know of a landlord who might be interested, download our Landlord Partnership Package for more information. Inside there are testimonials from current landlord partners, benefits of partnering with Alpha House (e.g. guaranteed consistent rent payments, home maintenance commitment, etc.), and the social benefit of working with our Community Housing Program.


Home for the Holidays

One of Alpha House’s biggest strengths is the powerful and moving stories we hear every day from our clients. Each and every client’s life journey is unique, and we believe it’s important to share their stories to not only raise awareness, but to develop the awareness that we cannot truly know someone’s life story or the circumstances that led to the homelessness they now experience.

Keep an ear open for our Home for the Holidays radio campaign to hear both staff and clients of Alpha House share their experiences with homelessness and the impact that stable housing has had on their lives.

The radio campaign will run from December 9th to December 22nd, and be featured on WILD 95.3 and 101.5 Today Radio.

Engaging Vulnerable Persons Training

Shaundra Bruvall | November 4, 2024

Alpha House has been delivering a version of the Engaging Vulnerable Persons workshop to Calgary communities for nearly a decade. The training has gone through many iterations over the years, adapting to the landscape of homelessness and addiction in the city to provide the most relevant information surrounding the challenges that can come from interacting with people on the street who may be under the influence, struggling with poor mental health, sleep deprived, or some combination of the above.

The EVP is broken into three sections.

  • The landscape, myths, and key concepts surrounding homelessness and addiction
  • Biases and Perceptions
  • Improving interactions

This workshop is designed for any individual or group who is interested in understanding more about navigating public substance use, homelessness, and street-involved interactions. Learn all you need to know about this workshop with the below FAQ:


Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a cost?

Alpha House is committed to providing this workshop to as many people as possible to increase understanding and compassion, equip people with tools to create safety for all, and bring community together to tackle these large social issues. If you do not have any funds to support this training, we will do our best to work with you. For businesses and corporate groups, the cost is $250.00, for other non-profit organizations and community groups the cost is $100. For individuals, we do have a webinar version available for $10 on demand. Details here:


Can I book one for my specific group?

Yes! We offer bookings for specific groups whether you’re a local business, corporate office, community group or non-profit agency, church, community association, or categorized some other way. Please email us at to request a workshop.


How long is the workshop?

The full workshop is roughly 90 minutes, but we also offer condensed versions in 60-minute, 45-minute, and 30-minute options. Please note: we of course recommend the full version as it contains all the topics we believe are most relevant for effective understanding and implementation of the information. However, we can accommodate requests for compressed options as needed.


Is it possible to customize the presentation for my group?

Absolutely! Alpha House offers customizations (within reason) by request. We are happy to utilize specific scenarios or situations based on experiences your staff or group has encountered in the past. Equally, we can adjust the workshop to include more, or less, specific information about the topics covered.


Is the EVP in-person or virtual?

You decide! We are happy to provide the workshop in-person at your group’s location or virtually. We can also provide a hybrid option if you have staff/interested participants who are not able to make it in-person. Lastly, webinar options are available if you are interested in ongoing training for new hires, new volunteers, or something similar. Reach out to us to discuss.


Is there a webinar version for the general public?

You bet there is! More details here:


How do I book a workshop?

Email us at !


Are there additional resources available?

We’re so glad you asked! There ARE additional resources available. Check out our YouTube channel for our Engaging Vulnerable Persons Video Series, which breaks down different interactions and best practices for engaging:


If you have a question that has not been answered here, please feel free to email us for more information:


The information presented in the Engaging Vulnerable Persons Training is information directly pulled from Alpha House’s 40+ years of experience working with vulnerable populations in Calgary, Alberta. We do not make any guarantees about the practices described in this training, however, and Alpha House shall not be responsible for any decisions made based on this information

World Homeless Day

Shaundra Bruvall | October 9, 2024

Talking about the Continuum of Homelessness

Today, October 10th, marks World Homelessness Day. Along side many other agencies in the Calgary community, Alpha House works with individuals who are experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness. At Alpha House, we hear many misconceptions from community members about homelessness – that all experiences of homelessness are alike or that people become homeless because of bad financial decisions or personal choices. It is easy to make assumptions about people experiencing homelessness but the reality of people’s experiences is often far more complex. We talk about homelessness as a spectrum of situations that people can move through because it helps contextualize the vast array of experiences people have with being unhoused.

We’ll talk about: Unsheltered, Emergency Sheltered, Provisionally Accommodated, and At Imminent Risk of Homelessness

Unsheltered refers to the individuals who are sleeping in places not meant for human habitation; often referred to as “rough sleepers” or “campers”. Rough sleepers often won’t access shelter resources and services regardless of external factors. This means even in inclement weather scenarios (where it’s minus 30 or plus 30) individuals will remain outside. There are any number of reasons why someone chooses not to access a Shelter. Sometimes past traumas can make it difficult for someone to stay in an enclosed space with other people. People with pets will often stay outside because Shelters can’t accommodate animals, and couples will sometimes stay outside rather than accessing shelter services and risk being separated. Something we tend to take for granted is personal and private spaces. Shelters were created as a temporary response to crisis situations; they were not built for comfort or privacy. Being in a shared environment, sleeping next to a hundred other individuals often isn’t the most comfortable situation. While encampments may be a more comfortable option for people, they often signify a difficult compromise that ultimately points to a lack of adequate housing more so than it points to issues with shelters.


Emergency Sheltered is a category that includes Emergency Shelters such as Alpha House, The Drop-In Centre, and The Mustard Seed, accessed by individuals experiencing homelessness who are seeking services. This can include meals, donated clothing, showers and basic hygiene supplies, or medical assessments and treatment. Alpha House’s Shelter hovers around 90% capacity year-round, usually reaching capacity during extreme weather conditions such as heat waves or cold snaps. In 2022, according to The Calgary Homeless Foundation, 40% of Calgary’s homeless population were located in emergency shelters. [1]


Provisionally Accommodated This would include hospitals, correctional facilities and transitional housing. These individuals technically have accommodations but, at some point, they will either be discharged or their terms will end leading them to the streets. Programs that include temporary accommodations are not at fault for not housing people anymore than Shelters; none of the measures in place to help people who are experiencing homelessness are long-term replacements for the need for adequate housing.

Individuals categorized as at Imminent Risk of Homelessness are those currently housed but at high risk of losing their housing. Individuals could be in this category for a variety of reasons: spending majority of their income on rent due to increasing housing costs, sudden unemployment, rising cost of living, family violence, etc.




Alpha House aims to reduce barriers by providing services along a continuum of care, facilitating the transition to stable housing for individuals at different stages of homelessness. For those who are unsheltered, Alpha House’s Encampment Team exists to actively support ‘rough sleepers’ with connections to appropriate shelter services and housing options where possible, while providing basic needs supplies and other referrals. For those accessing Emergency Shelter, Alpha House’s Shelter serves individuals in crisis needing a safe place to sleep and provides access to showers, medical assistance, and warm meals. Alpha House’s Shelter is specifically for individuals under the influence of substances.

Our housing programs encompass two key streams: Permanent-Supportive Housing, which offers 24/7 wrap around supports for those needing daily assistance, and Community Housing, where individuals live independently but have bi-weekly support through their caseworkers to increase capacity with everyday skills.

Alpha House’s Diversion program proactively assists individuals at imminent risk of homelessness, helping them maintain their housing and avoid crises. Research indicates that once someone experiences homelessness, the barriers to regaining stable housing significantly increase. The Diversion program aims to provide the financial and logistical support necessary for those who can live independently but require an initial boost to get back on their feet.

As we observe World Homelessness Day, it’s crucial to remember that homelessness is not a one-size-fits-all issue. The diverse experiences of those affected highlight the importance of understanding and compassion in our approach to this complex social challenge. Each individual’s story is unique, shaped by a variety of circumstances often outside of that person’s control. By recognizing the Continuum of Homelessness and the various challenges people face, we can foster greater empathy and awareness within our communities and ultimately build better solutions.

View our World Homeless Day video on our YouTube Channel here




Landlords Perspective Working with Alpha House

Shaundra Bruvall | August 7, 2024

Landlords Share Their Perspective on Working with Alpha House in the Community Housing Program

By Paul Tokode

 The Community Housing program at Alpha House supports clients to live in their own homes in various communities in Calgary and sign their own leases. Alpha House will subsidize client rents and deposits when needed – ensuring consistent, timely rental payments to their landlord. Alpha House also commits to conducting maintenance to ensure the property’s condition remains as it was upon move-in, provides ongoing communication to resolve any issues quickly and thoroughly, as well administer supportive services including intensive case management to ensure long-term, successful tenancies. The Community Housing program is a long-standing program to help our clients live independently. Landlords are also supported by a transition team who are available to help with any concerns, liaising between landlords to keep them informed on case managers who work with clients to manage any issues that may arise.

 In support of our ‘Give Hope Through Housing Campaign’, we recently sat down with several  of our current landlords participating in our Community Housing program to hear their thoughts and experiences.


How would you describe your experience?

Landlord of 5 years: We had an excellent experience with Alpha House. Their teams are very passionate, goal driven and dedicated to their assigned tasks. They are very reliable and easy to communicate with.”

Moazzam, Landlord of 4 years: “Working with Alpha House and their team has absolutely been wonderful. Their team members are professional and diligent.” – Moazzam, Landlord of four years

 Laurence, Landlord of 7 years: “My experience has been overwhelmingly positive. The staff is dedicated and passionate, ensuring both tenants and landlords have a positive experience. They set a high standard for supportive housing organizations through prompt communication and proactive problem-solving.”


How has Alpha House supported you as a landlord throughout a tenant’s residency?

 Zandalee, Landlord of 1 year: “Alpha House has been supportive of us as landlords by helping communicate to the tenants for any necessary communications such as repairs or building maintenance. It is also amazing as a landlord to know that Alpha House is responsible for finding a well-suited tenant for the unit, building and landlords, so this takes some of the weight off of landlords, especially since they continue to pay rent in between tenants.”

 Moazzam, Landlord of 4 years: “Alpha House has provided outstanding support and commitment. Their commitment to paying on time, maintaining cleanliness in the rental spaces, and ensuring the well-being of all clients whole caring for other tenants exemplifies professionalism and dedication.”

Laurence, Landlord of 7 years: “Alpha House has been incredibly supportive throughout my tenants’ residencies. They have provided ongoing communication, regular check-ins, and assistance with any issues that may arise.”


What do you find the most rewarding about working with Alpha House and its clients as a landlord?

Wesam, Landlord of 12 years: “The most rewarding thing about working with Alpha House is the good communication & the quick response of the team in solving the problems which may happen.”

Zandalee, Landlord of 1 year: “It really has been a unique experience knowing you are playing a small part in helping better someone’s life.For us in particular, we saw the joy it can bring to someone who has faced racial prejudice from other landlords by simply saying yes and providing a warm space for them to live. We’ve received more gratitude than we deserve simply for participating in the program.”

Landlord of 5 years: “I love to see that a person’s life can start to change through offering them a place they can call their home. Giving them a second chance to start a new life and help them dream dreams again.”


What would you say to other landlords who may consider renting to Alpha House clients?

Moazzam, Landlord of 4 years: “Alpha House is an organization that provides safe and caring environments for individuals. As landlords providing such environments not only benefits tenants but also contributes to a positive community atmosphere.”

Landlord of 5 years: “In this chaotic world we are living in right now, let us be kind to those who need our hand to start a new life. We shouldn’t be judgemental, instead we should be willing to offer ourselves to help ease up another person’s burden. Let’s spread love.”

Laurence, Landlord of 7 years: “To other landlords considering renting to Alpha House clients, I would say don’t hesitate. Working with Alpha House not only provides an opportunity to contribute to the community but also offers a reliable support system and resources to ensure a positive renting experience.”


The affordable housing crisis in Calgary impacts everyone, including our clients. With inventory so low and the cost of living on the rise, we need to come together as a community to find solutions so that everyone has a home. We are very grateful for our landlord partnerships that enable us to help our clients find housing where they can feel safe, supported and welcomed in their community.

We are currently looking for 30 suites to help us reach our goal of housing 150 clients this year. We welcome all landlords to learn more about Alpha House’s landlord partnership program please visit Alpha House’s Give Hope Through Housing Campaign and download the landlord partnership package: Landlord-Partnerships.pdf ( You can also email to get started.

Give Hope Through Housing Campaign – Any Landlords Out There?

Shaundra Bruvall | June 19, 2024

Alpha House Launches ‘Give Hope Through Housing’ Campaign to Call on Calgary Landlords to Support Through Housing Shortage

By Michelle Brown

As Director of Alpha House’s Community Housing program, I have seen firsthand the dramatic impact of finding a home on our clients. There is hope, peace, and relief not only for our clients, but also for their families and loved ones who worry about them.

Every day, we see in the news headlines how the affordable housing crisis impacts Calgarians from all walks of life. Our clients need the community’s help more than ever, which is why we are asking the Calgary community to support our most vulnerable citizens through our ‘Give Hope Through Housing Campaign’. The campaign will raise awareness about the opportunities for landlords and property managers to partner with Alpha House and invites the Calgary community to make financial donations to help ensure we can subsidize client rent and basic needs once they are in housing.

For many years, landlords have been key stakeholders in ensuring our Community Housing program continues to grow and support our clients and I would encourage anyone who is a landlord to consider partnering with us.

A current landlord we have partnered with for five years shared recently, “We had an excellent experience with Alpha House. Their teams are very passionate, goal driven and dedicated to their assigned tasks. They are very reliable and easy to communicate with.”

Thanks to our current landlords who are committed to providing secure housing to those in need, Alpha House has been able to help our clients make healthier choices and find new hope for their future.

Our clients in the Community Housing program live in their own homes in communities throughout Calgary and sign their own leases. We are looking for a full range of suites, from one-bedroom apartments and legal basement suites to rowhouses and townhouses, for our clients in all areas of the city.

Our team works to help clients sustain their housing with case workers visiting them routinely – providing our clients with the support and life skills they need to be good neighbours and community members.

Our goal with the ‘Give Hope Through Housing’ campaign is to secure 20 – 30 additional units in Calgary to help us achieve our goal of housing 150 clients this year and raise $100,000 to support client rent subsidies and their basic needs. We believe in and hope the Calgary community will join us in helping our community’s most vulnerable people.

A landlord we have partnered with for five years shared with our team recently, “I love to see that a person’s life can start to change through offering them a place they can call their home. Giving them a second chance to start a new life and help them dream dreams again.”

In addition to knowing you are making a real difference in someone’s life, there are also practical benefits to partnering with Alpha House. Our clients sign their own leases in the Community Housing program and we subsidize lease payments to ensure consistent rent, as well as provide a home maintenance commitment to maintain the property’s condition.

Moazzam has been a landlord partner of Alpha House over the past four years and shared with us, “Alpha House has provided outstanding support and commitment. Their commitment to paying on time, maintaining cleanliness in the rental spaces, and ensuring the well-being of all clients while caring for other tenants exemplifies professionalism and dedication.”

It is a profound experience to be a part of changing someone’s life and I would encourage any landlord who is in a position to do so – to reach out here to learn more about our programs.

Chris is a long-term client of Alpha House and shared with us, “Being homeless is a very difficult way to live – to be able to get back into housing is very tough but when it happens, it gives you hope and joy and a future.”

We are asking all Calgarians to be a part of our campaign – whether you are a landlord, property manager, or a Calgarian able to donate, we hope you will join us as we work together to ensure everyone has a place to call home in our city.

Ecological Responsibility – Earth Day 2024

Shaundra Bruvall | April 22, 2024

Happy Earth Day! First started in 1970, April 22 marks the 54th annual earth day! In today’s short blog post, we wanted to talk about the challenges of being environmentally conscious while being unhoused, and to share a bit about how Alpha House works to reduce our environmental footprint.

In the conversation about encampments, we hear a lot from some community members about how unhoused encampments leave behind debris. The most common refrain we hear is that they create a lot of waste and, not only is this an ‘eyesore,’ ‘gross,’ and ‘a major problem,’ it is also an environmental issue. We aren’t here to make excuses for litter or inappropriate waste but we do want to shed some light on a hypocrisy that exists when we talk about waste left behind from people experiencing homelessness. We make garbage and waste too; theirs is just more visible than ours – and the reason it’s more visible isn’t their fault at all.

Each individual household is responsible for a significant amount of waste; the difference for households, however, is that most households in North America have access to convenient ways to dispose of their waste that typically require minimal effort on the part of the individual. Unhoused individuals main way of disposing of waste is public garbage bins – not always conveniently located, not a solution to human waste, and not easily utilized without also having ongoing access to garbage bags. It might sound fairly inconsequential at first, but imagine if EVERY TIME you needed to dispose of a single piece of garbage— instead of disposing of it in a garbage bag in a bin in the next room, you had to walk an unknown distance to the nearest garbage bin. Or, imagine that EACH TIME the garbage bag in your kitchen was full, you didn’t just have to take it out back to a black or green bin that you never thought about again because Residential waste services picked it up every 1-2 weeks, you had to hump it to that far away garbage bin. Imagine if instead of purchasing a 100 pack of garbage bags at the store to last you a few weeks/months, you had to keep reusing the same soiled bag over and over.

The reality of homelessness is often far more complex than we like to think about. A common response to talking about these complications is for people to offer solutions: “It’s really easy to do ‘X’ and then the problem wouldn’t happen,” “If they just did ‘Y’ then they wouldn’t have to think about that issue,” or “It’s not hard to insert something that may not be hard but is not something top of mind when you’re homeless.”

With the frequency in which every one of us disposes of waste on a daily basis, we can see the barrier that exists for unhoused individuals to responsibly dispose of their waste regularly, and how it can quickly become unmanageable when compounded with other challenges like addictions, tri-morbidities, and/or mental health. The reality is that ecological responsibility is not a burden that can always be shared equally. It doesn’t mean we excuse poor environmental actions, it means we do the best we can until we have the means to do better, and then we do better.

How is Alpha House working on reducing our impact on the environment?

  • Planning a community cleanup? Our Needle Response Team would love to be a part of it! Reach out to for more information
  • Speaking of community cleanups, we’ve hosted a number of community cleanups over the past couple of years to reduce waste in the communities that we serve and have several more on the docket this spring/summer
  • We partner with SkipTheDepot to dispose of all of our bottle recycling
  • We partner with SkipTheDepot to help us recycle textiles that we can’t use, like damaged clothing we can’t distribute to our clients
  • We partner with the City of Calgary as a designated drop-off location for reusable shopping bags, which we distribute to clients to help them carry their belongings

Visit the official page for Earth Day 2024 to learn more about the environmental crisis our planet is facing and to find Earth Day focused events near you.

Support for Re-Zoning City of Calgary

Shaundra Bruvall | April 19, 2024

The City of Calgary’s Housing Strategy: ‘Home is Here’ outlines 98 action items to ensure Calgarians have an affordable place to call home. One of the main tactics for addressing both the shortage of houses available to those who need them and the need for different types of housing options in the city is to increase the supply of housing.

Scarcity of housing means a lack of housing affordability – pushing groups with more income to capture the part of the market previously accessed by lower income groups, whose options are further reduced to co-habitation with friends and family or living in spaces that are unsafe or unhealthy. Scarcity of housing, for the same reasons, forces individuals into units that don’t adequately meet their mental, physical, or psychological needs. For many, including Alpha House’s clients, this doesn’t just mean being housed in a smaller unit (1-bedroom vs 2-bedroom for example), it could mean:

  • an inability to be housed in a certain community where they have connections
  • an inability to be housed with caseworker supports due to a lack of supportive housing options
  • an inability to be housed where mobility challenges are supported
  • an inability to be housed in a neighbourhood with a familiar culture

…and many other needs that may not be met due to a lack of diversity and choice around our housing options.

Therefore, on top of the affordability barrier, a second challenge that currently impacts Calgarians is an inadequate spectrum of housing options. Different types of housing options could include single-detached, rowhouse, townhouse, apartment, and semi-detached. Historic data shows single-detached housing as making up 58.3% of housing type in the city, which generally favours certain socio-economic groups. To increase the number of 1-bedroom or 2-bedroom apartments available for clients in our Community Housing program, for example, would mean supporting an increase in developments like rowhouses, townhouses, and apartments complexes. An increase in the availability of these units will lower the prices of these same units due to an increase in supply; the idea being that these price decreases will make renting/owning a rowhouse, for example, more accessible for someone who is living in smaller or shared accommodations and wants to move into a bigger space. As these individuals move into bigger spaces, the availability of 1-bedroom apartments increases thereby making them more affordable for those with lower incomes.

One of the main reasons for the constrained supply of housing and housing diversity is that the current land use districts (zones) in approximately 60% of Calgary’s residential areas do not allow for a choice of housing beyond single-detached or semi-detached homes. Allowing for diversity in housing structures within each community better suits the wide array of individual and family needs within the city, and a mixture of rental and ownership properties at market and non-market (subsidized) rates offers people at all income levels access to safe and stable housing options.

Alpha House sees firsthand the need for diversity in types of housing to meet the unique needs of the clients we serve and, as a result, we whole-heartedly support the City of Calgary proposal to “rezone all residential parcels that currently only allow for 1 or 2 units, it will be easier for property owners to add additional housing varieties across the city, without having to go through the additional steps of a Land Use change Amendment application.” This application process can take upwards of 6-months to process, maybe longer if there are other issues to be resolved with.

Rezoning will not solve all our housing-related problems, but it is a significant step forward in supporting affordability for Calgarians through increased housing supply and increased diversity in housing supply.

The City of Calgary Council’s recently passed strategy has five main points:

  • Increase the supply of housing
  • Support affordable housing providers
  • Enable the City’s housing subsidiaries to improve service delivery
  • Ensure diverse housing choice
  • Address the affordable housing needs of Indigenous people.

This strategy was adopted on September 16, 2023 with implementation plans stretched out over 2024-2030. The current public hearing about the specific rezoning amendment is April 22, 2024. If you are someone who has asked themselves how you can support reducing homelessness in the City of Calgary, we urge you to write to your councillor and tell them you support re-zoning efforts.

The City of Calgary has an excellent frequently asked questions page for those concerned about what re-zoning could look like in their neighbourhood.

Partner for Life – World Health Day 2024

Shaundra Bruvall | April 6, 2024

April 7th is World Health Day, dated on the anniversary of the founding of the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1948 and celebrated annually! Each year the WHO uses World Health Day to draw attention to a specific health topic of concern to people all over the world. The theme for 2024 is ‘My health, my right’, chosen to champion the right of people across the world having access to quality health services, education, and information, as well as safe drinking water, clean air, good nutrition, quality housing, decent working and environmental conditions, and freedom from discrimination.[1]

In Canada, the difference in the number of people who need blood donations or know someone who needs them is much greater than the number of people who actually donate. Canadian Blood Services (CBS) reports that 52% of people have indicated that they have, or their family member has, needed blood or blood products at some point in their life. In contrast, CBS says their data indicates that about 1 in 2 people are eligible to donate blood and plasma, but most have not donated.[2]

As a social service agency, Alpha House knows acutely the impact of a lack of access to healthcare, a lack of adequate supports for physical (and mental) health, and the long-term detriments when health is not treated as a right. There are, of course, many conversations about healthcare in Alberta these days. Something Alpha House did recently to take more ownership in supporting health measures was setting up a blood donation team as an agency! We owe special thanks for the idea to one of our staff members who had a personal connection to advocating for this setup.

Alpha House is now what is called a “Partner for Life” with CBS and we tested out our first blood drive last month. Together, a group of staff members got on the (aptly named) ‘Lifebus’ and headed off to our appointments.

When we arrived at Canadian Blood Services, we went upstairs to check in.

  • If it’s your first time donating, then you’ll need your ID and to fill out a quick questionnaire that’ll get you set up with a profile
  • You’ll also get a blood donor card in the mail a few weeks after your first donation
  • After all the paperwork is done, you’ll be in the waiting area for a couple of minutes with the opportunity to enjoy some free snacks and beverages before your donation

The blood donation itself can take up to 15 minutes, after which you can help yourself to more snacks and drinks to help restore your blood volume levels faster! The process for our staff was easy, quick, and meaningful AND (no surprises!) the Canadian Blood Services staff were very kind, patient, and made sure everyone was comfortable before, during, and after the donation.

The best thing about Alpha House becoming a ‘Partner for Life’ is we have another cool way for community members to join our work and build community with us!  Anyone can join us and become a “Champion for Life.”

Together we can unite to raise awareness, donate blood or plasma, or support the stem cell or organ donation registries. As part of Alpha House’s Team, you can help have a direct impact on patients in Canada and the families who love them. If you join our team and become a “Champion for Life,” your donations contribute to Alpha House’s overall count!

We will be continuing to organize team events for donating blood for our staff because it’s important to our staff, but also because of how closely it aligns with our agency’s values and the population that we serve; many of our clients see their health deteriorate because of being on the street, lacking access to basic hygiene and adequate food supply, and facing other hardships. We will also continue spreading the word through our social media channels and encourage you to join our team.

Alpha House is a strong advocate for this year’s World Health Day theme: ‘My health, my right’ – recognizing healthcare is a RIGHT; a blood donation is one tiny part of healthcare that can make an enormous difference for a client of ours or anyone who finds themselves in such a situation of need and we believe in being a part of individuals having access to blood donations (and other healthcare) when they’re needed most.

If you want to join Alpha House’s blood donation team as a Champion for Life, check out the instructions here or via the graphic on top of the page!

  1. Log in or create an account on or the GiveBlood App
  2. Click on the “Partners” tab
  3. Click “Join an existing team”
  4. Search “Alpha House” or our team number “CALG0117318
  5. Select “Yes” and then click “Join”
  6. Welcome to the team! Click “Book” to get started and make an appointment

Remember to get a good night’s sleep and drink plenty of water before your donation!



Women Leading the Way in the Homeless-Serving Sector

Shaundra Bruvall | March 8, 2024

Women Leading the Way in the Homeless-Serving Sector

International Women’s Day (IWD) is a global celebration of the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. Each year, this day serves as a powerful reminder of the progress made towards gender equality and highlights the work that still needs to be done.[1]

The 2024 theme for International Women’s Day is Inspire Inclusion, which means….well that’s a great question. In today’s blog post, we talk about inspiring inclusion in a variety of different ways including between the for-profit and non-profit sectors, the disparity in income between female and male employees across sectors, and female leadership in Calgary – its exciting developments and the very long distance it still needs to travel – particularly in terms of ethnic and racial diversity.

First and foremost, one of the key pillars of Inspire Inclusion is the promotion of diversity in leadership and decision-making positions.[2] To this day, women – particularly those who belong to other underrepresented groups – continue to face barriers when seeking leadership roles. In the non-profit sector, which employs 285,000 people in Alberta – 78% are women.[3]

Overall, the non-profit sector in Alberta contributes $5.5 billion to our GDP and fills critical needs for the province in areas such as food and basic needs, immigrant settlement supports, senior and childcare supports, sports and recreation, and arts and culture[4]

In the name of inspiring inclusion, we might say there is some room in the public domain for a conversation about how the non-profit sector is often devalued compared to the for-profit sector, in spite of its positive impact on those who live and work in Alberta. In a similar vein, we often see female-dominated industries valued less than their male-dominated counterparts: “male-dominated occupations have traditionally had more respect, higher pay and more fringe benefits.”[5]  Also significant is that even though female employees dominate the Alberta nonprofit sector, Statistics Canada shows their annual wages and salaries remain lower than their male coworkers by 14%.[6]

One of the recommendations from The Calgary Chamber of Voluntary Organization’s State of the Sector Report in 2023 was to “identify what success looks like in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, as a sector and within our own organizations.”[7]

There is quite a bit of research that talks about women leaders in male-dominated fields because it is typically more newsworthy and interesting to people. But there is less research around female-leaders in female-dominated industries. One of the cool things about the community and social services sector in Calgary is that, unlike many other female-dominated industries, we have many examples of female leadership to celebrate. Alpha House, The Alex, Inn From the Cold, Patricia Jones, Sandra Clarkson, Carlene Donnelly, Distress Centre, Closer to Home, John Howard Society, Discovery House, Calgary Food Bank, HomeSpace, and Sharp Foundation are all examples of female leadership in the community and social services sector in the city. These are women who work everyday towards improving the living conditions and of those experiencing homelessness or facing housing insecurity, those facing domestic violence, individuals and families facing food insecurity, and individuals working to overcome criminal pasts or poverty – to name a few groups positively impacted by the agency leaders we have today.

It is worth celebrating that all of these agencies are led by women. But we also know that alone is not enough. It also does not mean that we have achieved ‘success’ in terms of diversity, equity, or inclusion, particularly when the sector, as CCVO point out in their report, has not yet defined what success looks like in this area.

We know that by providing support and resources, women can be empowered to overcome obstacles and achieve their full potential, but we also know that empowering women to overcome obstacles does not inherently mean there are not still gendered obstacles, and it also is not a silver bullet to ensuring increased and ongoing diversity or inclusion within the agency. But it is a great start and it is something worth celebrating. A 2023 study on leadership from the Leadership Circle Profile, a scientifically validated 360-degree assessment of leadership that measures “Creative Competencies” and “Reactive Tendencies” saw that female leaders demonstrate higher levels of leadership effectiveness and higher levels of Creative competency (in all dimensions) compared to their male counterparts, suggesting women leaders are not only better at building relationships but also that the relationships they build are characterized by authenticity and an awareness of how they contribute to “the greater good beyond the leader’s immediate sphere of influence.”[8]

Given the theme of inspiring inclusion for the 2024 campaign on International Women’s Day is meant to encourage everyone to recognize the unique perspectives and contributions of women from all walks of life, including those from marginalized communities, we wanted to take this time to recognize the women leading our sector today, while acknowledging that there is still much work to do in areas of wages, safety, and marginalization for non-white groups.






[6] Statistics Canada, 2021

