We Seek to Provide Hope through Direct Service and the Promotion of Well Being Many years ago early in my career at Alpha House IRead More…

We Seek to Provide Hope through Direct Service and the Promotion of Well Being Many years ago early in my career at Alpha House IRead More…
The Holiday Season is often a time of reflection as we look back on the year that was and anticipate what will be when the calendar turns on January 1st. Without question, 2020 has been an extraordinarily challenging year for our city, our country and the world.
If I was to offer an introduction of the 40 year history of Alpha House two important groups would stand out…the now decommissioned Alberta Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission and Calgary Police Services.
“For the clients who have died I remember them as people who lived resourcefully, with humor, resilience, eccentricity, and with love and caring for others in all ways that humans express their humanity to each other.”
On Tuesdays and Thursdays for over 2 years, Alpha House has hosted Wellbriety sessions for clients who are completing or have already completed our DetoxRead More…
David is marking his 25th year of service at Alpha House with a series of blogs. The first looks at what recovery means at Alpha House during the COVID-19 pandemic.
To do our best to keep the risk of COVID-19 low, Alpha House has put together an internal committee working with both the City of Calgary and the Government of Alberta, as well as other agencies in the shelter system.
With nearly 40 years of providing safe and caring environments for men and women whose lives have been impacted by alcohol and other drug dependencies, Alpha House has created an array of data-proven, outcome and cost effective programs.
The Holiday Season is a time of reflection and gratitude. As I think back on 2019, I am inspired by the resilience of the individualsRead More…
This financial support brings us closer to our fundraising goal of $800,000, which is needed to keep our DOAP program running at its current capacityRead More…
Our quarterly newsletters highlight the hope shared and service given through our programs, staff, donors, and volunteers. In them we will showcase calls to action, highlight our upcoming events, and keep you in the know about what’s happening in the house!